Capture Every Moment
in The Wild World

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Capture Every Moment
in The Wild World

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit utelit tellus luctus necus ullamcorper mattis pulvinar dapibus leo ipsum dolor sit amet.

Get Involved and Make a Difference

Join Me in Creating Change: Ignite Your Passion, Unleash Your Potential!
my pic

I am not a tour operator or guide. I am a wildlife photographer who prefers solo photography and adventure. These photo tours are specifically designed for me, as tour operators and guides nowadays tend to prefer group tours. They always ask me to form a group for the expedition, which is more suitable for freelance photographers and also benefits them. 

This is why I created this expedition section. Please feel free to join and ask me anything about the expedition.

West Bengal Birding

Life in the Mountain Forest

Date: -----, 2025

Beauty and the Darkness

The Home of Bold and Elusive Black Panther

Date: ----, 2025

Adventure to Costa Rica

Explore the Costa Rican rainforest.


The Untamed Spirit

The Home of Bold and Elusive Black Panther

Date: ----, 2025


Connecting to insights, empowering informed choices, and fueling progress in every sphere.


The crafted timeline to ensure a seamless travel experience.


Encapsulates the spirit of venturing forth and the quest for knowledge.






Black & White


Pride in Our Work

Build A Moment With One Snap Shoot

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Animal Photography
After Event Videography
Aesthetic Editing

Funfacts You Should Know

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Years Of Experience

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Expert Photographer

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Territory Explore

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Winning Awards

What possibilities await once you gain the wisdom to create

Swipe the sliders to see the before and after

duck flying from ground duck flying from ground
bird perching on the grass bird perching on the grass
Pigeon pigeon 2
Leopard Leopard 2
Jungle Babbler Jungle Babbler 2

What my Team Have Shared

Reimagining Knowledge Acquisition

''Wildlife Photography Maestro.. Your ability to capture the untamed beauty of wildlife is truly remarkable. Your passion, patience, and artistic eye produce captivating images that tell compelling stories and advocate for wildlife conservation. Your work inspires, educates, and fosters a deep appreciation for the natural world. You are a force of inspiration and change in the world of wildlife photography.''

David T.

Wildlife Photographer

''In the realm of wildlife photography, your talent is nothing short of extraordinary. With each click of your camera, you encapsulate the untamed allure of the natural world. Your images are not just photographs; they are windows into the soul of the wilderness, each telling a story of resilience, beauty, and the delicate balance of life.''


Wildlife Phototgrapher

I am absolutely thrilled with my experience joining you. From the moment we started planning the shoot, I could tell you were expert in their field. Your knowledge of wildlife behavior and habitats was impressive, and it allowed us to strategize and choose the perfect locations to capture stunning images.

Amanda Bailey

Wildlife Photographer

I was astounded by your patience and attention to detail during the shoot. You spend hours waiting for the perfect moment, never rushing or settling for anything less than exceptional. Your dedication and commitment to getting the perfect shot were truly inspiring.

Linette Hayward

Wildlife Photographer

A photograph’s two most engaging powers are to make new things familiar and familiar things new.



Celebrating with Compassion: Protecting Animals During Festivities

December 30 , 2023

In the spirit of celebration, fireworks and laser light beams have become synonymous with joy and excitement. However, an often-overlooked reality lies beneath the mesmerizing bursts of color and enchanting laser beams.

Feathers-based luxury and sustainability secrets

December 21, 2023

Exploring the Lucrative Industry of Down Feathers: Unveiling the Secrets of Luxury and Sustainability

The Unseen Torture of Captive Breeding and Illegal Trafficking

November 18, 2023

The practice of captive breeding and illegal trafficking not only inflicts immeasurable pain on these creatures but also poses a significant threat to biodiversity and the delicate balance of our natural ecosystems.

Revealing the Brutal Fate of Male Chicks

October 27, 2023

Choosing a vegan diet will reduce your environmental impact, animal welfare, and health. Plant-based alternatives can replace animal products and reduce the demand for meat and eggs. Discover the benefits of plant-based protein sources that are just as good as meat.

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